I could have made a list of all the world class fisheries in the United States, but I didn’t. I believe that that the best fishing in the world is a matter of the anglers opinion and skill.
Opinion: Every angler is different. Some love to fly fish in small streams for wild rainbow trout. Others love to catch monster bass in huge reservoirs. Yet both think it’s the best fishing in the world. You can’t say “no, that is not the best fishing in the world” because some fishing guru doesn’t recognize it.
Skill: Skill is also a factor when it comes to deciding the best fishing in the world. Imagine a beginner angler (or a young child) fishing in a “trophy lake” and not catching anything because of their skill level. Is that the best fishing in the world for them? I think not. The local pond with “a million” easy to catch bluegill has a higher rating than the trophy lake to them.
Conclusion: The best fishing in the world is different for everyone. For me, the best fishing is wherever I am fishing at the moment.
Am I right? or wrong?
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