You see that the fly-fishermen are catching all the fish. So you want to fish with flies but don’t have a fly rod. No Problem! You can learn fly fishing basics to get started or see how fly fishing compares to conventional spin fishing learn about the pros and cons of fly fishing and spin fishing. Or, consider the many ways you can fish flies with a ultra light spinning outfit just about as effectively as with a fly rod.1) This method is the easiest and is good for both still water (lakes, ponds) and moving water (rivers, streams). It’s best with wet flies and streamers. Simply tie the fly to the end of your line and add a split shot sinker from 18 – 24 inches up the line. In still water, cast and let sink to the desired depth then slowly retrieve with a slight twitching action. This method catches big rainbows on Quartz Lake, Alaska using a black woolly bugger. In moving water, add enough weight for the fly to bump along the bottom.2) Use this method in moving water for wet flies and streamers. Clamp enough split shot(s) to the end of your line to bounce on the bottom in the current. Tie two flies on droppers about 12″ and 24″ from the split shot. Cast up stream and let the flies drift/bounce along the bottom. Keep your line tight so you can feel the bites.3) This method is for use with dry flies in still or moving water. Tie the fly to the tip of your line. Attach a clear bobber or clear bubble anywhere from 24″ to 96″ depending on how easily the fish spook. In still water, just cast and retrieve slowly. In moving water, cast up stream and let it drift down. Tip: Add fly floatant to your fly to prevent it from sinking.4) This method is for use with dry flies in moving water. Attach a clear bobber or clear bubble to the end of your line. Tie two flies on droppers about 24″ and 60″ from the bobber/bubble. Cast up stream and let the flies drift over where the fish are rising. Keep your line tight so you can feel the bites. Tip: Add fly floatant to your flies to prevent them from sinking.
Now it’s time to go fishing to test out these new techniques, don’t forget to hold onto your ultralight fishing rod tight and check out these tips for selecting the right fly lure.
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