Our loyal readers may have noticed some changes around AnglerWise. Yes, we’ve given the site a much needed facelift, and we hope you like the results. The former design had served us well, but it was time to usher in a new design to improve the experience for our readers. Let’s have a look at what’s new.

The all new AnglerWise design puts an emphasis on imagery. One of the most pleasurable aspects of fishing is the opportunity to take in the gorgeous scenery that surrounds. We aimed to incorporate this in the redesign with a prominent main stage image and a selection of featured images to represent our articles. Over the years, we’ve accumulated an impressive collection of quality images that finally get their due with the latest design.
Also at the forefront of the new design is typography. Our remodeled logo features the timeless Snell Roundhand font for a touch of sophistication. (Yes, fisherman can be sophisticated). We’ve also tweaked our typography to improve the site’s readability. We’ve increased the text size and line spacing and introduced a new Sans Serif / Serif, headline / body copy text pairing. The new combinations are easy on your eyes in every way imaginable.
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, AnglerWise is now fully responsive. That means you no longer need to take in your favorite ultralight fishing blog on a desktop computer. AnglerWise looks just as great on a mobile phone or tablet, so take it anywhere – especially your next fishing trip.
The AnglerWise store is still active, but remains unchanged for now. Stay tuned for a refresh here as well as further enhancements to the blog. Have an opinion on the new design or want to make a suggestion? Let us know! As always, your opinion counts and we want to hear from you.