The most dangerous freshwater fish

Like most outdoor sports, fishing prevents its fair share of hazards to prepare for. Experienced anglers know to consider the hazards that come with weather, water and equipment. But what about fish? While most fish are harmless, there are a few that can be dangerous if mishandled. In this blog post, we’ll take a look …

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How Big of a Fish Can You Catch with Ultralight Gear

Catching the Big One with Ultralight Tackle: Is it Possible? You’re prepping for a great day of fishing and you want to bring home something impressive. Beginners just transitioning to ultralight fishing and seasoned anglers alike may be tempted to pack their strongest gear, thickest braided line and biggest bait. But is that the right …

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What factors influence fishing?

It’s a beautiful day and you’ve finally got some time to go fishing. You park your truck, get your gear together, and head down to the water. The sun is shining and the birds are singing – it’s perfect. After dropping your line in the water, you notice that the fish aren’t biting as well …

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What are ultralight fishing rods good for?

Ultralight fishing rods are becoming more and more popular among anglers. These rods are designed to provide the utmost in performance and sensitivity, making them perfect for targeting smaller fish. Ultralight rods can be used for catching a variety of applications, including trout fishing, panfish fishing, and bass fishing. In this blog post, we will …

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Best Tasting Fish to Catch

Casting for Your Supper? Here are the Best-Tasting Fish to Catch There’s something primal and satisfying about wresting supper from the sea with your own hands. It must hark back to some lingering hunter/gatherer gene buried deep within us all. But you’ve got to be selective when you’re trying to impress the family with your …

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